Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three states of matter

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Anything around us and in the entire universe can be classified as either matter on energy.Matter is made up of tiny particles (Atoms & Molecules). 
Facts about matter:
  • Particles of Matter are in constant motion.
  • Particles of Matter are held together by very strong electric forces
  • There are empty spaces between the particles of matter that are very large compared to the particles themselves.
  • Each substance has unique particles that are different from the particles of other substances
  • Temperature affects the speed of the particles.  The higher the temperature, the faster the speed of the particles.
Three different states of matter are:
  1. Solid State Examples: rubber, iron, ice, chalk
  2. Liquid State: Examples: alcohol, gasoline, oil, water
  3. Gaseous State: Examples: air, natural gas, carbon dioxide, steam
Solids are closely packed together and are held in place by strong electrostatic forces. Particles of solids vibrate constantly due to their internal energy but they cannot move from one place to another.  Particles of solids possess only vibrational energy.

Liquids are kept together by forces of attraction that are weaker than those of solid particles.  The particles move around and slide over each other randomly. This type of energy is called translational    energy.  This energy gives a liquid  the ability to flow and be poured and to spread when a liquid is spilled.  Liquid particles also have vibrational energy.

The forces of attraction that hold Gases together are very weak and that the spaces between them are much larger than the spaces between solid and liquid particles. The particles of a gas move around more quickly than liquids and vibrate at the same time. This explains why they can escape from a container very easily and they can put pressure on the side of the container (example a balloon or a tire).

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