Friday, September 9, 2011

Lab Safety Rules

1: No eating or drinking in the lab. This means no gum, cough drops, applying chapstick, chewing hair ends, holding a pencil in your mouth, nail-biting, etc.

2: Keep flame and flammable solutions far apart. Set up your classroom so that if a flame IS to be used, it is located far from the exit, so most students are closer to the exit. Have any open alcohol beakers far from the flame --- for instance on another workbench --- so some of the alcohol evaporates while the tool is brought to the flame.

3: Keep electrical equipment far from water. Keep areas around electrical equipment dry (aquaria excluded, of course!)

4:Clean spills from the outside IN. Apply paper towels over the spill, then, carefully starting from the outside, wipe in.

5: Use proper safety protection --- fume hood, goggles, gloves. NOTE that latex allergies can develop!

6: Always clean glassware before you use it to be sure that residues are cleaned away. Add at least some water first, before adding any liquid or solid solutes.
Be careful weighing out chemicals and reagents. Do NOT return excess materials to the stock container.

7: Check all waterbaths with a thermometer before putting your hand into the water.

 8: All sharps (needles, razors, pins, toothpicks) should be discarded in a sturdy container.

 9: Science and writing go hand-in-hand ; have students keep a proper laboratory notebook

10: Be Prepared

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