Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Save our Coral Reefs!

I have read a few articles on coral reefs and learnt that they are not faring well in recent decades. They faced multiple threats from pollution, disease, elevated water temperatures, and overfishing. Often referred to as the "rainforests of the Sea," coral reefs support a wide variety of marine life, help protect shorelines, and contribute significantly to tourism and the fishing industry.

There is a new study which looks at a rare but catastrophic impact on reefs: the damage caused by natural disasters such as an earthquakes.
In May of 2009, magnitude-7.3 earthquake shook the western Caribbean, causing lagoonal reefs in Belize to avalanche and slide into deeper water. This powerful earth destroyed half the number of coral reefs there. 

Another cause of the disappearance of coral reefs is pollution. Humans pollute the beach when they throw rubbish inti the sea and also when factories dump their waste products into the ocean.

I feel that we should help prevent the destruction of coral reefs by not polluting the ocean and shores. We should all do our best to save the "rainforests of the Sea".

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